Our Outstanding Features & Business Policies:-
- Originators of New Designs in Latest Modern as well as Traditional Colour Combinations.
- We successfully make qualities from 5/40 to 18/90 also Dhurries.
- We foresightedly produce Persian, Tibetan, Aubusson, Modern, Chinese as well as super Nepal Designs, Shaggy, Tufed,
Handlooms & Durries as well in any Colour and size upto 14 feet wide.
- We have Dyeing, Spinning, Weaving, Washing, Finishing Units etc. All under one Roof.
- We always use High Quality New Zealand, Indian as well as NZ Blended Wool for our Qualitiative Carpets.
- We Prefer long term Programm Business still we generally maintain Ready Stocks worth Indian Rupees Twenty Million
and even more at time.
- We Believe in After Sale Service Business Policy
Taj Mahal Products
Taj Mahal Building, P.O. Box - 100,
Chauri Road, Bhadohi – 221401, U.P. INDIA
Ph: 0091-5414-225842, 225742
Mob: 0091-9415225423
Fax: 0091-5414-225341, 228642
E-Mail: tmcollection@satyam.net.in, tajmahalcollections@yahoo.co.in
Website: www.tajmahalproducts.com
Sister Concerns
Taj Mahal Collections
Taj Mahal Dyeing & Spinning
Chauri Road, Taj Mahal Building, Bhadohi - 221401 (India)